Friday, November 6, 2009

I was scanning my mom's handwritten notebook into my computer for record keeping. She passed away two months ago. I am trying to gather pictures and notes together and make a history of her life.

It is so frustrating because my scanner will either pick up tiny parts of what is being scanned like someone's nose or lips or else it will scan the whole thing into a tiny corner of the scan. This makes it so I have to scan some things three or four times to get the right picture.

The picture shown here is what came up on the screen the first time I scanned this hanwritten page of her notebook. It was very large and seemed to speak straight to me. In my mother's handwriting it says that the Lord loves me.

I'm sure when my mom was alive she wrote these words in her little notebook to remind herself that the Lord loves her. She was probably reading her scriptures or listening to a general conference talk when she heard those words. She wrote them down and then she wrote it again on top of the first writing as if to tell herself again that she meant it.

When the words appeared so large on the screen they looked sort of ghostly. They caught my eye because the writing is dark and looks like it's been written several times. I couldn't ignore that maybe those words are for me. My mom wants me to know something. I imagine my mom has seen the Lord and now she is sure of his love. Now she wants me to be sure of it too. She left it here on earth for me to find. She wants me to know that He loves me. She wants me to be as sure as she is that I am loved by him.

I will scan the page again and it won't have the same effect. It will be a smaller picture of the whole notebook page. The little experience I had will go unnoticed if I don't write it here to remember. The Lord loves me.

Maybe someone else will find it and know He loves them too.
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  1. That's awesome Kathy. It makes me wonder what I'm doing to prepare to receive revelation. I need some. Thanks for reminding me that the Lord loves me!

  2. This is the best blog entry I've ever read! Kathy, you are amazing!! You should never stop blogging or writing. You are so incredible and so insightful and full of wisdom and depth!

    How is that? Did I do better?? XOXOXOXOX

  3. I don't think you needed to do better. You already do fabulous. I know things are hard to write about but you do such a good job. You write best when you are at ease at being yourself. Don't try to do anything different. I love you.

  4. I know. I was just kidding cuz we were talking about how we write something and we just need lots of praise and recognition for it. So, I was just kidding around.
