Friday, November 6, 2009

Singing Mothers

In 2008 I sang in a Relief Society choir for general conference. When I got to the practice and sat down in the chapel I was overwhelmed by how many women were there and I felt like a tiny drop on a bucket.

The conductor of our choir told us what we looked like as we began to sing. She said we all looked like we were being punished. She reminded us of the wonderful lives we all live and that there isn't any one of us who has such a bad life they can't smile when they sing.

Every practice she had a few women get up and tell about their experience while they were singing. The women's experiences were spiritual and moving. The conductor didn't waste time.
The ladies had to run to the front and talk fast. We were expected to practice at home. When we came to the practice we were spiritually fed so we could feel the words and music and express it over the airways as we sang.

I had a bad attitude and I didn't realize it. As I sang, I was overcome with the desire to repent and be happy. Our conductor told us there was no room for criticism or complaining. We were expected to work hard, be obedient and smile. If we did that we were promised that someone, somewhere would be touched by the messages we were singing and be strengthened in their adversity.

Then she told us we were to dress like the Singing Mothers. My mom was in a choir called the Singing Mothers. They wore white shirts, black skirts and they had a small flower on their lapels. We were told about women all over the world who come to meetings where the only thing white they have is an old t-shirt turned inside out. It made me want to work hard, be obedient and smile.

I will never know if my obedience, hard work and smile affected anyone else's testimony of the Savior but I know it strengthened mine. Singing in that Relief Society choir taught me to repent. I learned not to complain or criticize. I'm not very good at it. But I keep trying. I gained a deeper understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ while I worked hard, was obedient and smiled.


  1. I didn't realize mom was part of the Singing Sisters. In fact, I guess I'm not really sure what they were. Do you know more about this group of gals?

    Working hard, being obedient and smiling are HARD for me. I needed this reminder!

  2. Thanks Helen.
    Chuck told me it was actually the singing mothers. I found a picture of them in mom's stuff. I don't know anymore than that. It was HARD for me to describe all that I learned from that experience. I have a picture of me in the RS choir I want to post with this blog. This blog needs work. Thanks for all the HARD work you do for me and our whole family.
